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Our strategies, solutions and campaigns
move the revenue needle.

The Fortune Cookie: Transforming A Cultural Icon Into A Profitable Venture.

The fortune cookie is a beloved cultural icon, yet it has traditionally been a zero-profit product. The challenge was clear: how do we monetize the fortune cookie? Our client produces 7 million cookies a day, owning 80% of the market with four factories operating 24/7. Increasing market share would likely increase operating costs, and with no foreseeable growth in restaurant numbers, expanding the market seemed improbable. Additionally, charging more for a product that restaurants give away for free was not viable.

However, the fortune itself holds a special allure. People engage in end-of-meal rituals with them, save them in their wallets, and tape them to their refrigerators. It’s a unique tradition that concludes every Chinese meal with a touch of magic.

We observed that another staple at the dinner table is the mobile phone. This observation led us to ponder the potential revenue if we could seamlessly transition customers from this cultural icon to their mobile devices.

Thus, “” was born.


At launch, we achieved a remarkable 35% click rate, translating to nearly 78 million unique visitors a month. This digital platform opened the door to lucrative promotional opportunities with major brands like Disney, which continue to generate revenue today.

Through “,” we successfully transformed a zero-profit product into a dynamic digital platform, leveraging the magic of the fortune cookie to create new revenue streams and engaging brand partnerships.

Turning Great Patients Into Greater Products.

iMSGer currently holds 5 patents around the use of QR codes and the aggregation of QR code scans into a single location.

However, QR codes are being used in a variety of places. So how do we create a unique use of QR codes for a consumer solution?

Introducing The Cacheit Wallet!

The Cacheit Wallet is the world’s first digital wallet designed to hold consumers’ personal QR promotions as they capture Cacheit QR codes found in everyday life. With Cacheit, local business QR promotions are manageable, actionable, measurable, and reside in their customer’s Cacheit Wallet. The Cacheit Wallet is a centralized QR-Driven Promotional Wallet, the center of the universe that businesses want to be a part of.

We invented Cacheit, the first digital promotional wallet designed to hold QR code scans in a single place on a mobile phone. Cacheit is the first QR platform that stores your QR scans in a single app on your phone for easy access, any time. Cacheit lets users scan QR codes around a neighborhood that unlock offers and opportunities localized for the consumer. And Cacheit’s smart QR promotions remain active in the wallet, so new offers show up constantly.

Why Retailers Love Cacheit

  • Discovery: Don’t waste a single eyeball as they pass your store. Transform brand awareness into performance-driven campaigns with QR Codes.
  • Influence: Whether you sell online or offline, the preferred channel for information consumption for users remains digital. Offer promotions and build a digital experience with your customers using QR Codes.
  • Relationship Building: 80% of first-time users never return or advocate a brand unless you build an ongoing relationship with them. Use QR Codes to know your users in the real world, make connections, and retarget them with promotions to stay top of mind.
  • Smart Networking: Let your customers instantly save your information on their smartphones with a QR Code in the Cacheit Wallet. Leverage editable and trackable digital promotions to network in a smart and engaging manner.

Through the innovative use of QR code technology and the development of the Cacheit Wallet, iMSGer has successfully transformed the way businesses interact with consumers. By creating a platform that aggregates QR codes into a single, easy-to-use digital wallet, iMSGer has provided a unique solution that benefits both retailers and consumers.

The Cacheit Wallet not only enhances customer engagement but also offers measurable and actionable insights for businesses, making it a revolutionary tool in the digital promotion space.


Bratwursts That Are Perfect For Consumers And Profitable For Wholesales.

Owned by German Master Butcher Uli Lengenberg, Uli’s Famous Sausage first opened its doors in Seattle’s Pike Place Market in 2000. With over 40 years of sausage production experience, Uli’s goal was to bring his own elite artisan sausage styles from techniques and recipes learned from a lifetime of travel and training to the US market.

Uli’s Famous Sausage caters to both consumers through direct sales and wholesalers, including grocery store chains, restaurants, and industrial catering. In 2023, Uli closed their location in Pike Place Market, creating the need for a more significant online business presence.


  • Transition Uli’s Famous Sausage to a robust online sales platform.
  • Increase direct-to-consumer sales via the revamped website and social media engagement.
  • Enhance relationships with wholesalers and distributors to expand product availability.
  • Maintain brand integrity and emphasize the unique, artisan quality of the products.


  1. Website Revamp:
    1. Redesigned the website to be more user-friendly and visually appealing.
    2. Implemented an e-commerce platform to facilitate direct online sales.
    3. Added features for in-store and factory pickup options.
  2. Social Media and Content Marketing:
    1. Launched a targeted social media campaign focusing on engaging content.
    2. Published recipes that incorporated Uli’s sausages, encouraging consumers and chefs to share their creations.
    3. Utilized influencer partnerships to broaden reach and credibility.
  3. Direct Marketing to Distributors:
    1. Developed a targeted email marketing campaign to reach wholesalers and distributors.
    2. Highlighted the quality and versatility of Uli’s products to encourage integration into their offerings.
    3. Created promotional materials and presentations for trade shows and distributor meetings.


  • Increased Online Sales:
    • Online sales saw a 50% increase within the first three months post-launch.
    • The website’s traffic increased by 70%, with a significant portion coming from social media referrals.
  • Enhanced Social Media Engagement:
    • Social media following grew by 40% across platforms.
    • User-generated content, particularly shared recipes, boosted engagement and organic reach.
  • Strengthened Wholesale Relationships:
    • Secured new partnerships with several regional grocery store chains and restaurants.
    • Notable increase in bulk orders from industrial catering clients.

Client Feedback

“Transitioning from our beloved Pike Place Market location to an online-focused business was a daunting task. However, Randall’s strategy and execution exceeded our expectations. The new website is phenomenal, and our social media presence has never been stronger. Our wholesale partners are also thrilled with the new promotional materials, leading to an uptick in orders. We couldn’t be happier with the results!”
– Uli Lengenberg, Founder of Uli’s Famous Sausage

The comprehensive strategy implemented for Uli’s Famous Sausage successfully transitioned the business from a primarily physical location to a thriving online presence. By leveraging a revamped website, engaging social media content, and targeted distributor marketing,

Uli’s Famous Sausage not only maintained but also expanded its market reach. This case study exemplifies how a well-rounded digital marketing strategy can drive significant growth and sustainability for artisanal food producers.

Building A Six Figure Membership When Launched With 25.

Healtheo360 was an early social network focused on individuals with life conditions such as diabetes and breast cancer. We discovered that people with these conditions preferred hearing from others in similar situations and sharing their own experiences with a community facing similar challenges. Unlike major social networks like Facebook and YouTube, Healtheo360 provided a dedicated platform for sharing sensitive health information.

Healtheo360 allowed members to share their experiences through videos and journaling. A companion mobile app enabled members to record and manage their stories from anywhere.

However, a common question we faced was: “Do you have a million members?”

Our challenge was to build brand awareness and grow membership to a respectable level. We tackled this by controlling the narrative. While we couldn’t claim a million members, we highlighted impressive metrics such as “membership doubling or tripling month over month,” “repeat visitation,” “time on site,” and “content growth.” These stories kept people engaged with Healtheo360 and helped us reach a high six-figure membership, which in turn attracted meaningful revenue opportunities.

By focusing on these metrics and telling our unique story, we successfully built a thriving community and established Healtheo360 as a trusted platform for individuals with life conditions to share and connect.

Entering the US Market, Building Market Share, And A Successful Ending.

MyCheck is the hospitality industry’s leading mobile payment technology provider, offering various products to equip hotels and restaurants with a powerful digital customer engagement experience.

After experiencing tremendous success in Israel, the company sought to enter the US market. Given the competition in this market, we decided to reposition the technology from a consumer-facing product to an industry SaaS platform. By maintaining the core technologies and functions while targeting a more lucrative buyer, MyCheck achieved significant success, ultimately leading to the founders’ goal of acquisition.

Shiji Group, a leading provider of hospitality technology solutions, acquired. With over 70 customers, partners, and integrated platforms, including notable names like Red Lion and Wyndham hotel groups and Alipay, MyCheck has established itself as a valuable addition to the Shiji Group family of businesses.

The integration of MyCheck into Shiji Group’s portfolio has yielded significant results:

  • Enhanced customer satisfaction: through streamlined and secure payment processes.
  • Increased operational efficiency: for hotels and restaurants.
  • Strengthened brand loyalty: through integrated loyalty and rewards programs.

With its inclusion in Shiji Group, MyCheck continued innovating and leading the way in digital guest engagement and payment solutions.

This ensures that hospitality brands can keep pace with evolving industry standards and customer expectations, solidifying MyCheck’s role as a key player in the hospitality technology sector.

MyCheck’s strategic repositioning and successful entry into the US market demonstrate the company’s adaptability and innovative approach. The acquisition by Shiji Group marks a triumphant milestone, enabling MyCheck to further enhance its offerings and expand its impact within the hospitality industry.

Customer Service Without The Customer Service Representative.

Total Wine & More is a national retail chain known for its extensive selection of wines, craft beers, and liquors. While their name highlights their wine selection, the challenge lies in the fact that most customers are wine novices and require significant assistance to make informed choices. Hiring more customer service representatives was not a feasible solution due to high costs, lengthy training periods, and high turnover rates.The solution was to implement inexpensive in-store iPad kiosks. 

Strategically placed throughout the stores, these kiosks provided a wealth of information to customers, including:

  • Recommendations for wines based on recipes
  • Downloadable educational content on wine regions
  • Information on product locations within the store
  • Highlighted featured selections that customers might otherwise overlook

These kiosks were managed both by individual stores and the centralized corporate office, ensuring consistent and up-to-date information.

The success of this initiative allowed Total Wine & More to integrate craft beers into the user experience, further enhancing customer satisfaction and education.

By leveraging technology, Total Wine & More was able to provide high-quality customer service without the need for additional representatives, resulting in a cost-effective and scalable solution that improved the overall shopping experience.

A Hashtag Campaign That Changed Perception.

New Yorkers start their day, every day, the same way. They believe everyone around them is an obstacle: the people on the elevator, the barista making their coffee, the people in front of them, their boss, their neighbor, and the people on the subway. They think, “Everyone sucks because they’re in the way and keeping me from reaching my objective.”

This pervasive mindset is what made the “Not Everyone Sucks” campaign so enlightening.

One day, on my way to work, I gently brushed against someone on an overstuffed subway car. She turned and told me what she thought of me. I paused for a moment and then responded, “You know, not everyone sucks. I’ll give you 90%. I’ll even give you 95%. But I won’t give you everyone.”

To my surprise, she agreed. Not only did she agree, but others on the subway car began to chime in and discuss it among themselves.

That day, we started the hashtag “#noteveryonesucks” campaign, and the results quickly followed. Every day, people shared their stories of positivity in the city. Someone returned a lost wallet, shared their seat, or simply said thank you. Brands also began to share their stories.


Soon, tens of thousands of posts were shared, reposted, and commented on, and media coverage soon followed. News outlets picked up the story, spreading the campaign’s reach even further. Social media engagement soared, with the hashtag trending across multiple platforms. Brands joined in, amplifying the message of positivity.

The campaign also had a tangible impact on the community. Surveys showed a noticeable increase in acts of kindness reported by New Yorkers, and local businesses saw a boost in customer smiles. The “Not Everyone Sucks” campaign not only changed perceptions but also fostered a sense of community and goodwill in one of the busiest cities in the world.

While New Yorkers will always be New Yorkers, maybe, just maybe, they’ll be a little less cynical.